Wednesday, August 25, 2010

vison godamnwhenever

Here’s my vision for the world...
A clean, green world. A world where cars exist alongside trees, alongside beautiful ponds and lakes and a complete Lord of the Rings setup.
A world where we have not only learnt our lesson about physical exercise, but also about pollution. A world where the climate is controlled globally.
Not the rains, not the sunshine, not all that – the atmosphere. A world where pollution is kept in check, where extravagance is kept in check. A world that doesn’t have to be the Earth. A world where the only thing people care about is other human beings. Where love exists peacefully along with whatever religion people decide to follow.
A world where language is not really a barrier: a world where people are allowed to speak whatever language they want to, because you’re listening from the heart, not with your ear.
A world filled with love, kindness, understanding, pride in other human beings. A world where one person doesn’t dictate how another should behave, or feel, or be.
A world where you can see a handicapped person and be proud. A world where you can be a handicapped person and be proud.
A world where all of this doesn’t matter, because all that matters is that we’re all human beings living together and that we all love each other. Money doesn’t matter, status doesn’t matter, nothing really matters because we’re so busy loving and caring for and being proud of each other that we don’t have time to be jealous, or greedy.
Think about it. In a world like this, all the dreams that the Bible has created for heaven, that the Quran professes, that scriptures from almost any religion preach – all of this could come true in a world like this. That’s my idea of a perfect world. A world without fear, greed, jealousy – but a world in which people are allowed to be sad or angry if they want. After all, how can one be truly happy if they don’t know what sadness is?

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Thums up to Plastiki, boat made entirely of plastic, for having completed its journey across the Pacific.

Did you know that about 46,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on the surface of the ocean of which 40% will sink, eventually?
Did you know that nearly 90% of the debris in the ocean is plastic, and that this plastic will never degrade, but just, in a million years or so, break up into bits and stay there?
How much of the ocean can we clean? Even if we do stop using plastic – completely – starting today, how much harm that we have already done can we undo?
It’s bad enough that we have already harmed our ecology in so many ways without having to make it worse.
The ocean is where we came from, for crying out loud! If we make it unfit for life, how will we go back?
We are, in fact, destroying history.
So, well, calling all historians…please support cause for using less plastic.
Scientists can also join – because it looks like we’re seriously messing up research.
Biologists can join because a piece of plastic is not part of any animal’s natural biological make-up.
Teachers can join because – well, admit it – ‘one, two, three-four-five, once I saw a fish eat plastic and die’ doesn’t really have the same twang to it, does it?
Chefs can join because – well, sea-food is only fun if there is sea food in it.
Vegatarians can join because killing sea food comes to the same thing whether you eat it or not.
Who’s left? Industrialists? Yeah well, they can just go eat fish. 

The world is in dire need of more expeditions like this to spread the message.  

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Short article on throwing chewing gum wrappers in dustbins

I was eating chewing gum.
When I was done with it, I took out the wrapper that I had kept away for just this, conscientiously wrapped the eaten gum in it, and threw it in a dustbin, like a good citizen, feeling really proud of what I’d done.
It’s an experience that I go through every time I eat chewing gum. Eat-wrap-throw-in-dustbin-feel-amazing.
But this time, something else happened that made me stop and look at why I do this so regularly.
It’s because of the chewing gum wrapper itself that reminds me, every time I eat it, to save the wrapper and throw it in the dustbin to help keep my city clean.
Is that good advertising for the company, or is it good advertising for a good, clean world? I don’t know. What I do know is; it works.
And that is the message I want to direct towards corporate companies – take an active part in social activities. If it only means instructions on the back as to how to dispose of the product in an environmental-friendly, or at least civic way, please do it. It spreads a good message to your customers. Nothing works quite like telling a person right on the back of the bottle to crush and throw.
It spread awareness in the best possible way, and it definitely couldn’t hurt brand image, could it?
So whatever the product is – car manufacturers could give their customers tips on how to best use the car to give back to the environment, and in the process get the best out of their car, light manufacturers could request customers to use electricity sparingly, there’s no end to what just a little co-operation on the part of the company will do to boost environmental awareness, along with awareness regarding better lifestyle and a cleaner living space.
When the campaigners say ‘join hands’, they don’t literally mean a human chain do they? What they actually mean is that everyone can do their bit. And that doesn’t just mean walking rather than taking your car, or using dustbins, or joining conservation activities; you can do your bit in many ways. Just become aware of all the avenues that are just waiting to open up to you!