Saturday, August 14, 2010


Thums up to Plastiki, boat made entirely of plastic, for having completed its journey across the Pacific.

Did you know that about 46,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on the surface of the ocean of which 40% will sink, eventually?
Did you know that nearly 90% of the debris in the ocean is plastic, and that this plastic will never degrade, but just, in a million years or so, break up into bits and stay there?
How much of the ocean can we clean? Even if we do stop using plastic – completely – starting today, how much harm that we have already done can we undo?
It’s bad enough that we have already harmed our ecology in so many ways without having to make it worse.
The ocean is where we came from, for crying out loud! If we make it unfit for life, how will we go back?
We are, in fact, destroying history.
So, well, calling all historians…please support cause for using less plastic.
Scientists can also join – because it looks like we’re seriously messing up research.
Biologists can join because a piece of plastic is not part of any animal’s natural biological make-up.
Teachers can join because – well, admit it – ‘one, two, three-four-five, once I saw a fish eat plastic and die’ doesn’t really have the same twang to it, does it?
Chefs can join because – well, sea-food is only fun if there is sea food in it.
Vegatarians can join because killing sea food comes to the same thing whether you eat it or not.
Who’s left? Industrialists? Yeah well, they can just go eat fish. 

The world is in dire need of more expeditions like this to spread the message.  

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